Lesson 3 The Roles of Educational Technology in Learning



        In Lesson 3, the roles of Educational Technology in learning had been emphasized. What are the roles of Educational Technology in our quest for knowledge?
        As what I have learned, Educational Technology plays various roles. There is the traditional role presenting technology as delivery vehicles for instructional lessons. There is  also the constructivist role
 which states that technology is a partner in the learning process.
        Based on the "traditional role", technology is said to be the presenter of  the knowledge, just in the same way that a teacher does. Meaning, the information is embedded in the technology making it the technology's task to provide the students with learning. This role is likened to the content presented by films and TV programs or other programmed instructions.
        Meanwhile, in the "constructivist" point of view, technology is referred to as the helper of the learner in building more meaningful personal interpretations of life and the world around him. It utilizes the learner's capacity to gather, think, analyze, synthesize information and construct meaning (Corpuz, Brenda,  Paz Lucido, "Educational Technology 1, 2008, p.30), thus igniting metacognitive aspect of the learner and improving higher order thinking skills (HOTS).
        To make things short, the traditional role treats technology as having the capacity to impart knowledge , just like what a teacher does, and the constructivist role takes the stand that technology is a tool or partner for the students to learn better.
        Whichever point of view we adhere into, it is no doubt that technology really contributes a lot to learning.


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