Lesson 8 Teaching with Contrived Experience

      In the lesson we had which is in a sort of reporting by our classmate, I have learned that 'contrived' experiences are substitutes of real things when it is not feasible to bring the real thing to the class. Indeed, these instances prevail in the classroom in which teachers need to use objects other than the real one due to some reasons.
      What are the reasons for using contrived experiences? Several reasons are given and I will quote it from the Educational Technology  1 book: One is to overcome limitations of space and time. Next is to 'edit' reality for us to be able to focus on parts or process of a system that we intend to study. Another to overcome difficulties of size. Also, we use contrived experience to understand the inaccessible. Lastly is to help the learners understand abstractions.

      We should take note that contrived experiences come in various types which are designed to simulate to real-life situations. The types of contrived experiences are as follows:

1. Model- a 'reproduction' of a real thing in a small scale (like a globe for representing the earth), large   scale ( for instance is the model of an atom which in reality is invisible to the naked eyes), or exact size-but made of synthetic materials.
 2. Mock up- an 'arrangement' of a real device or associated devices, displayed in such a way that representation of reality is created. It is a special model where the parts of a model are singled out.
 3. Specimen- any individual or item considered typical of a group, class, or whole.
4. Objects- include artifacts displayed in a museum or objects diplayed in exhibits or preserved insect specimens in science.
5. Simulations- a 'representation of a manageable real event in which the learner is an active participant engaged in learning a behavior or in applying previously acquired skills or knowledge.
6. Games-played to win unlike simulation which do not need a winner.

      Contrived experiences, just like any other learning experiences, are important for the learner's better acquisition of knowledge.

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