Lesson 9 Teaching with Dramatized Experience

"All dramatization is essentially a process of communication, in which both participant and spectator are engaged. A creative interaction takes place, a sharing of ideas."
                                                                                                 -Edgar Dale

          It is indeed true that something dramatic is something that is stirring or affecting or moving. Dramatic entrances catch and hold our attention and have emotional impact. Hence, if we use dramatization in presenting our lesson, our students get attracted, interested and affected. If they will be affected by the lesson, this meant that our lesson produced great impact on them.

          As what I have learned, dramatized experiences can range from the formal plays, pageants to less formal tableau, pantomime, puppets and role-playing.

          -> Plays depict life, character, or culture or an integration of the three.They offer excellent opportunities   to portray clearly important ideas about life.

         -> Pageants are usually community dramas that are based on local history, presented by local actors.

         -> Pantomime is the art of conveying a story through bodily movements only.

         -> Tableau is a picture-like scene composed of people against a background.

         -> Puppets can present ideas with extreme simplicity- without elaborate scenery or costume, yet effectively.

         -> Role-playing is an unrehearsed, unprepared and spontaneous dramatization of a "let's pretend" situation where assigned participants are absorbed by their own roles in the situation described by the teachers.

         We already knew that students have multiple intelligence. By using dramatic experiences, we will be able to cater these intelligence. Kinesthetically intelligent students will be developed using plays, pantomimes, puppets and more. When added with music, we will be responding to musically inclined individuals. These activities can't be done alone so we create a group, developing the students' interpersonal ability. These and more can be achieved if we are able to apply the demonstration experiences very well.

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